We have now finished the casting process, with four amazing actors, so now we’re putting finishing touches on the production’s crowdfunding campaign.
Right now, one click from you would help tremendously. No further commitment than a Follow.
Just click on the image below, then hit FOLLOW.
Why? Because Seed & Spark offers powerful tiers of film distribution help and other bonuses to campaigns that collect 250+ followers. A large number of pre-launch followers significantly increases the campaign’s visibility. It means, “Hey, this project is pretty cool and worth doing.”
Even if you’re not interested in helping out monetarily, one click can be a huge help, simply by building our numbers. I would be most gratified.
If you might be interested in helping monetarily at some point, this is the perfect way to stay informed. You’ll be notified when the campaign launches.
If you’re already like, “Muppets and monsters? Sign me the hell up!” then here’s a high five and a Welcome aboard!
While you’re there, feel free to check out the pitch video and our rewards. The campaign is not yet 100% ready. I’ll be adding some images, plus photos of the actors (holee crap they’re amazing!) over the next few days.
Meanwhile, if you have any feedback or incentive requests, please don’t hesitate to let me know.